Thursday, July 28, 2016

An Audience Of One

We live in a culture where people are either living trying to please other people or just living for themselves, you must wonder who is living to please God. The political candidates are trying to buy voters with smooth words and by making promises that they don't have the power to fulfill. The truth of the matter is we really have left God out of the equation. We hit our chest and pump our fist and say we are a great nation but forget who really made our Nation Great. This nation didn't become great on its own, it was not made great by policies, laws and politics but by our own admission that we were not great at can this nation think that we were great, with the history at our backdoor, racism, superiority complex that is deeply rooted in the DNA of our nation. Yes we have come a long way but please let's not get progress confuse with changing away a person think and act only God can do that.  The nation that I remember was a nation that was not perfect but we prayed to God as we stood in our class rooms before the teacher started his or her lesson. The nation that I remember was a nation that honored the marriage code (between a man and a women). The nation that I remember was a nation that opened its doors to individuals, families who wanted a better way of living. The nation that I remember was a nation of free speech and freedom to express your love for God the creator of us all. We walked or drove to Church on Sunday morning and ate dinner together on Sunday afternoon. We stayed outside until the street lights came on and then waving our hands to our friends good night until the morning. Yes even then we had problems and issues but we made God the audience of one. One nation under God but now we discussing which did we get so far off course? 

What ever achievements that we have accomplished, what ever name that we have made for ourselves remember it is God who have inspired people to created, develop, and build. God is the one who give great wisdom for medical and science breakthroughs. His hands has guilded this nation through times of devastations, has healed this nation from the agony external foes who have inflected their hate on our shores, God hand has lifted us from the ashes of 911 and now helps to protect us from domestic and foreign enemies. But we must not keep refusing His love and protection, if this nation wants to continual to be great it must begin to take a self examination and become the Nation where we put the focus back on God, loving our neighbor as ourselves, serving one another, and helping our children find their way through this maze call life. When God becomes the audience of one our nation will be that beacon light of hope once again.      

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