Friday, June 24, 2016

The Need For Help!

Often time we as individuals face circumstances and are surrounded by situations that we cannot handle, but the sad reality is we face these situations and circumstances alone when we don't have to. Why face the pressures of life; a lost of a love one, divorce, sickness, go ahead put in the blank...all alone! Well there is good new! Before Jesus ascended back to glory, He promised to send us some HELP...and He did, Jesus never made a promised that He did not keep...He said in the book of St. John, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my NAME...." Jesus promise to give you the Holy Spirit because he knew that living in this world would be difficult and we would need Someone greater then our situations....The Holy Spirit helps us in many ways (Bill Graham put it this way); First of all, the Holy Spirit is given to those who have receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, when this happens you become a believer! But it doesn't end need the Holy Spirit in your life and active...How does the Holy Spirit Work in the life of a believer? 

First, the Holy Spirit illumine (enlighten) the believers mind...ICor. 2:10, Rom. 12:2, and Eph. 4:23...There are many things in this Life can trouble the mind, attack the mind, and pressure the mind....but the Holy Spirit helps us with these things, so that we will know what, how God think about it....Second, the Holy Spirit also in-dwells our body; ICor. 6:19, He gives us the ability to fight against what is fighting against us, this is a spiritual battle that cannot be won with bombs, guns and natural abilities...and Thrid, the Holy Spirit works in the lives of the believer; He comforts us Acts, 9:31, He guilds us John 16:13, He sanctifies us Rom. 15:16, and He helps us with our infirmities (weakness) Rom.8:26,...The Holy Spirit is waiting to Help you to make it through this life and to overcome the World....

So now, it's up to can go through this life alone, without Help or you can ask the Holy Spirit to come and help you and give you the power, the guildance, the ability and the Wisdom to make it through this maze called life....#Help!