On behalf of the hundreds and thousands of true believers and followers of Jesus Christ globally, I personally would like to apologize for the numerous and consistent lack of attention that we have provided to others...Apology Needed.
Apology Needed...for the Church failing to be the example that Jesus Christ has revealed to us in the Word of God, scripture from the New and Old Testament so adequately reveal God's love for all people We as a Church have failed to share the love of God to others without prejudice and judgement, using our own personal values and life experiences to define others. Furthermore, the Church has also found its leadership and followers putting themselves first; rather the needs and hurts of others, while at the same time neglecting to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit those who are sick and incarcerated, just as Jesus Christ commanded us in the Word of God.
Apology Needed....to you from in the Church who have been entrusted to preach the Word of God that have so clearly missed the mark that preach against segregation, but yet separte themseleves and their congregation every Sunday morning with a spirit of ghettoization aganist the very people who we claim to love and whom we are advocation for.
Apology extended to you...from me for those who claim to speak for God, who really are speaking out of thier own selfish motive, to gain riches, material wealth and fame, those who are attemting to be seen and not serving. They profess their awareness, but are only nebulous. For each and every-one who claim to represent Jesus Christ, encouraging others to follow them, instead of pointing them to follow Jesus Christ, I apologize.
I Apologize for every Judgmental, religious, finger-pointing Christian that you have encuntered along the way, who has spewed thier self-rightousness out to you, keeping rules and thier man made traditions rather than understanding your fight and struggles just to make it to Church.
I Apologize for every preacher whose greater goal is to fill the pews in the Church, while they withhold the truth of the Word of God, who will compromise The Faith, not being concern with the final destination of the soul of an individual.
In conclusion, I humbly apologize for every horrible experience you have had in any Church service, in any denomination, from anyone who professess to follow Jesus Christ, from the side glances from Church members, from choir members and priase teams who are not prepared to usher you iinto the presence of God, for those who have hurt you in words or in deed; when they been charged with protecting you. I apologize for your experience of steeping into worship services and leaving with the same burdens and same heart conditions as when you walked in.
We, the Church are people who are striving daily to be more like our savior Jesus Christ, to display the fruit of the Spirit and reveal the Love of God, the same Love that he so freely gives to us. Our aim is that the World witness the Love in our heart and will come into the saving knowledge of Jesus after hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is clear that no Church is perfect, but Jesus is....therefore it is Christ that should be our priority and we all will stand before him for his word will not be void. We, as the Church must do a better Job at being the example of Jesus Christ, reaching the lost, loving without prejudice, serving others, worshiping without compromising, preaching with conviction and leading with integrity.